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How Enhanced Care Management Can Help You

Enhanced Care Management (ECM) offers extra services at no cost to Medi-Cal members who have complex needs and challenges that make it hard to improve their health. This could include outside challenges, such as not having a place to live.

If you qualify, ECM offers seven types of services that can help you with your health and well-being. You will have a care team and your own ECM lead care manager.

These extra services are offered as part of your current Health Net Medi-Cal plan. The Medi-Cal services you get now will not be taken away. You can still see your same doctors, but now you can get extra help.

If you qualify, you can choose to get ECM services. Plus, you can stop the services at any time by calling Health Net.

ECM is for Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Members

You must be enrolled in a Medi-Cal health plan to access ECM services. If you need help enrolling into a Medi-Cal health plan, you can call the State's Medi-Cal Health Care Options at 800-430-4263.

Seven ways ECM works for you

1. Help to stay engaged in your care

Your ECM lead care manager and care team will help you focus on your health and make sure you receive the services and support you need. They can also meet you where you live or where you receive services.

2. Help to craft a plan

Together, you and your care team will make your own care plan. The plan covers:

  • Doctors you see
  • Health goals you set
  • Services you get
  • Care you need
  • Your physical and behavioral health needs
  • Your oral health needs
  • Your substance use treatment needs
  • In-home services (e.g. help with bathing, dressing, cleaning, cooking, etc.)
  • Neighborhood and social services (e.g. food and housing services)

3. Help to connect with and update your doctors

Your care team includes a lead care manager. This person keeps all your doctors up-to-date on the health and the services you receive. They can also help you:

  • Figure out your health needs, goals and wishes
  • Make appointments and check on prescriptions and refills
  • Find the right doctors
  • Arrange transportation to doctor visits
  • Apply for services to help you live on your own– services include meal delivery, housing and personal care

4. Help to Learn the Best Ways to Better Support Your Health

You, your caregivers and other people who support you, can learn about the best ways for you to take care of your health issues.

5. Help to move you safely from one care setting to another

Your care team will help you move safely and easily if you need to enter or leave:

  • A hospital
  • A nursing facility
  • Another care setting

They can help you with challenges like:

  • Learning how to take care of yourself after a hospital stay
  • Making follow-up doctor visits
  • Filling prescriptions
  • Getting transportation to appointments

6. Help to work with your support people

Your care team can make sure your family, caregivers and others who support you, know about your health issues. These people can also work with your care team to learn how to best help you.

7. Help to connect you to community and social services

ECM can help you get linked to other non-health services, too. Your care team can help you find community and social programs that you need. These may include:

  • Food
  • Job training
  • Childcare
  • Disability-related services
  • Resources to help you stay in your home
Last Updated: 02/05/2025