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Provider Verification

The information on the Health Net online ProviderSearch tool is self-reported at the time of initial credentialing and at least every three years thereafter at the time of recredentialing by the listed provider, except Board Certification, which Health Net does confirm. The provider contacts Health Net to inform of any changes related to hospital address or physicians. The following information is available on ProviderSearch:

  • Provider specialty – the area in which the Health Net contracted physician practices. Health Net bases its designation on the practitioner's training. Some providers inform Health Net that they have two specialties. Health Net encourages you to contact the provider's office to verify if they are accepting patients with your specific condition.
  • Hospital affiliations – A listing of the network hospitals where the provider cares for patients.
  • Medical groups (if applicable) – A listing of the medical groups with which the provider associates.
  • Hospital name – An institution that provides medical or surgical care and treatment for the sick and the injured.
  • Hospital location – Physical street address of providers.
  • Board certification* – When a health care practitioner is board certified, it means that he or she has applied for and been awarded certification from the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), American Osteopathic Association, or other recognized board. Board certification is a voluntary process. To become board certified, a physician must:
    • Graduate from an accredited professional school.
    • Complete a specific type and length of training in a specialty.
    • Practice for a specified amount of time in that specialty.
    • Pass an examination given by the professional specialty board.
  • Accepting new patients – Indicates whether the provider is accepting new patients in his or her practice.
  • Languages spoken by practitioner or clinical staff – The languages, other than English, that the provider speaks and understands.
  • Accreditation – Identifies whether the facility undergoes a review to assess the quality of its systems and processes by an external accreditation organization. There are multiple accrediting organizations, and requirements may vary depending on the accrediting organization. Health Net confirms the accreditation status.

Note: Although formal policies and procedures for updating and validating the information in the online ProviderSearch tool are followed, it is the provider's responsibility to notify Health Net when information changes. Because changes may occur at any time and the provider may not notify Health Net in a timely fashion, some of the information may not be current. We advise you to contact the provider's office to confirm the information.

*If you would like more information about your physician's board certification, you may visit the ABMS website at

Last Updated: 12/01/2020