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Prior Authorization Protocol

INCRELEXR (Mecasermin [rDNA origin])


Coverage of drugs is first determined by the member’s pharmacy or medical benefit. Please consult with or refer to the Evidence of Coverage document.
  1. FDA Approved Indications:
    • Treatment of growth failure in children with severe primary insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) deficiency (Primary IGFD) or with growth hormone (GH) gene deletion who have developed neutralizing antibodies to GH.
  2. Health Net Approved Indications and Usage Guidelines:
    Primary IGFD (insulin-like growth factor deficiency):
    • Diagnosis of primary IGF-1 deficiency

    GH Gene Deletion with Growth Hormone Neutralizing Antibodies:
    • Documentation of growth hormone gene deletion and GH neutralizing antibodies
    Indications for Continuation of Increlex in Children or Adolescents:
    Documentation of adequate compliance with therapy, AND any of the following:
    • Growth rate greater than 2.5 cm per year
    • Measured mid parental height has not been reached
    • Growth rate has increased by 50% over baseline in the first year of therapy
  3. Coverage is Not Authorized For:
    • Patients with closed epiphyses
    • Patients with active or suspected neoplasm
    • Non-FDA approved indications, which are not listed in the Health Net Approved Indications and usage guidelines section unless there is sufficient documentation of efficacy and safety in the published literature.
  4. General Information:
    • Severe Primary IGFD is defined by:
      • height standard deviation score less than or equal to -3.0 and
      • basal IGF-1 standard deviation score less than or equal to -3.0 and
      • normal or elevated growth hormone (GH).
    • Severe Primary IGFD includes patients with mutations in the GH receptor (GHR), post-GHR signaling pathway, and IGF-1 gene defects; they are not GH deficient, and therefore, they cannot be expected to respond adequately to exogenous GH treatment.
    • Increlex is not intended for use in subjects with secondary forms of IGF-1 deficiency, such as GH deficiency, malnutrition, hypothyroidism, or chronic treatment with pharmacologic doses of anti-inflammatory steroids. Thyroid and nutritional deficiencies should be corrected before initiating treatment.
    • Increlex is not a substitute for GH treatment.
    • Failure to increase height velocity during the first year of therapy by at least 2 cm/year suggests the need for assessment of compliance and evaluation of other causes of growth failure, such as hypothyroidism, under-nutrition, and advanced bone age.
    • Increlex should not be used in children less than 2 years old.
    • The following are contraindications to Increlex use: active or suspected neoplasia, known hypersensitivity, intravenous administration and close epiphyses.
  5. Therapeutic Alternatives:
    Drug Dosing Regimen Dose Limit/ Maximum Dose

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    * Requires Prior Authorization
  6. Recommended Dosing Regimen and Authorization Limit:
    Drug Dosing Regimen Authorization Limit

    Increlex (Mecasermin [rDNA origin])

    Initial dose:
    40 mcg/kg to 80 mcg/kg SC BID
    Maximum dose:
    120 mcg/kg SC BID

    6 months or rerate whichever is longer

  7. Product Availability:
    Increlex: Solution for injection, multiple dose vial: 10 mg/mL, 4 mL (40 mg/vial)
  8. References:
    1. INCRELEX [Prescribing Information] Basking Ridge, NJ: Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.; May 2014.
    2. Increlex. American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information. Available at: Accessed June 29, 2015.
    3. DRUGDEXR System [Internet database]. Greenwood Village, Colo: Thomson Healthcare. Updated periodically. Accessed June 29, 2015.
    4. Clinical Pharmacology Web site. Available at: Accessed June 29, 2015.
The material provided to you are guidelines used by this plan to authorize, modify or determine coverage for persons with similar illnesses or conditions. Specific care and treatment may vary depending on individual need and the benefits covered under your contract.