Health Net
Custom Provider Listing

Generated: 05/09/2024

Search Criteria

Sample Provider Listing

Plan Year : 2024

Region : CA

Radius : 3

Plan Type : Standard Medical Plan

Plan Name : HMO - CommunityCare Individual & Family Plans

Zip Code : 90277

Specialty : Internal Medicine

Provider Gender : Female

Provider Status : Accepting New Patients

Provider Type : Primary Care Physicians

Affiliated Medical Group : 2064:Direct Network: So. Calif

Smith: John A., M.D. (*footnotes)
NPI: 1234567890
333 Amherst Ave., Suite 3
Bronx, NY 10402
(718) 555-4444

Office Email Address:

Website Address:

Nutrition, Pediatrics (specialties)

Enrollment Code: 987654

Gender: Male

Office Hrs: Mon - Fri 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Accessibility: Limited(P,IB,EB,R)

Provider Languages: Vietnamese,Spanish

Office Staff Language: Spanish,Tagalog

Certifications: CCS, CHDP

Hospitals: Monterey Park Hospital,Beverly Hospital

* Provider Footnotes

* Board certified.

1 Accepting New Patients.

2 Can be chosen as a PCP.

3 Telemedicine Capable.

4 CDCR On-Site.

5 Not Accepting New Patients.

Provider information appearing in ProviderSearch represents data in Health Net systems as of 9/20/2016Health Net builds and maintains the provider networks based on the network adequacy regulations as outlined by state and federal regulators. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, from time to time the status or contact information of a physician/provider may change, meaning that a new physician/provider may be added or a current physician/provider may either leave our network or decline to accept new patients. We suggest that you call the Health Net customer service number on the back of your member ID card to verify that the physician/provider is still in the plan.

If you feel this document has given wrong, partial, or deceptive information, you may file a complaint. To file a complaint, use this link Contact Us, or contact our Customer Service Department at 1-866-458-1047. You can also contact us by mail. Send your complaint to: Health Net Appeals and Grievances  PO Box 10344, Van Nuys, CA 91410-0344.

In order to access a specialist in Health Net's CommunityCare HMO network, members must receive a referral from their primary care physicians ("PCP").

Referral Requirements

Services that can be Obtained Without Referral

Except for the plans indicated below, non-emergency services must be provided by Participating Providers in order for the services to be payable, and all medical services must be coordinated by a Primary Care Physician (PCP) who is a Participating Provider in your network. This means that all medical care and supplies which You obtain, must be provided by, authorized by or arranged by Your PCP in order for the services to be covered.

This does not waive any prior authorization requirements that may be applicable to the types of services obtained. Please refer to your Evidence of Coverage for more information on services requiring authorization or contact the Customer Contact Center at the number on your ID card.


Health Net's Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) product does not require an enrollee or the enrollee's treating provider to request approval for a referral of an enrollee to an in- network or out of network provider. Enrollee referrals to out of network providers are at both the enrollee and the enrollee's treating provider's discretion, as enrollees have coverage for out of network providers. While an approval for referral to an out of network provider is not required, the enrollee will incur higher out‐of-pocket expenses when receiving services or supplies from an out of network provider.

This does not waive any prior authorization requirements that may be applicable to the types of services obtained. Please refer to your Certificate of Insurance for more information on services requiring authorization or contact the Customer Contact Center at the number on your ID card.

PureCare EPO

Health Net's PureCare Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) product does not require an enrollee or the enrollee's treating provider to request approval for a referral of an enrollee to an in-network provider. Services obtained from out of network providers are not covered.

This does not waive any prior authorization requirements that may be applicable to the types of services obtained. Please refer to your Certificate of Insurance for more information on services requiring authorization or contact the Customer Contact Center at the number on your ID card.

Timely Access to Care

Timely Access to Care

Appointment type Wait time for appointment
Routine care appointment with your primary care physician (PCP) – your main doctor Within 10 business days
Routine care appointment with a specialist (when your PCP refers you) Within 15 business days
Urgent appointment for services that do not need approval in advance Within 48 hours
Urgent appointment for services that need approval in advance (prior authorization) Within 96 hours
First prenatal visit¹ Within 10 business days
Well‐child visit with a PCP¹ Within 10 business days
Physical exam/Preventive checkup¹ Within 30 calendar days
Ancillary testing (such as labs, X–rays or therapy services that you cannot get in your doctor's office) Within 15 business days
¹Only applies to Medi-Cal members.
If you need help making an appointment, call Member Services at 1-800-522-0088. 
Language services can be coordinated with scheduled appointments for health care services so that an interpreter is available at the time of the appointment. Use the number on your ID card to schedule an interpreter Health Net of California, Inc. and Health Net Life Insurance Company are subsidiaries of Health Net, Inc. Health Net is a registered service mark of Health Net, Inc. All rights reserved.

FLY016026EL00 (10/17)

Language Assistance Contact Information Did you find something you think might be wrong in any of our provider directories? Please let us know so we can fix it.

  • Email us at

  • Call us using one of the following numbers that best applies to you.

Customer Contact Centers Health Net Telephone numbers- Are you enrolled with Health Net for your health care coverage? Customer Contact Center Hours of Operation Applicants- Are you shopping for Health Net health care coverage? These numbers are for people that are not currently Health Net members Health Net Customer Contact Center Hours of Operation
California- coverage from your employer 1-800-522-0088 8am-6pm 1-877-609-8711 8am-6pm
California- coverage through the California marketplace 1-888-926-4988 8am-6pm California Marketplace website 24 hours
California Medi-Cal 1-800-675-6110 24 hours a day
Cal MediConnect- Los Angeles 1-855-464-3571 8am-8pm
Cal MediConnect- San Diego 1-855-464-3572 8am-8pm
Medicare Advantage 1-800-275-4737 February 15– September 30 Monday through Friday, 8am- 8pm

October 1– February 14 7 days a week, 8am-8pm
Arizona- coverage from your employer 1-800-289-2818 7am-6pm
Arizona- coverage through the Arizona marketplace 1-888-926-5057 7am-7pm
Oregon- coverage from your employer 1-888-802-7001 7:30am-5pm

You have the right to get full and equal access to health care services covered by your health plan. This is also true if you have a disability, according to the following laws:

• The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

• Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Microsoft Word - Referral Requirements.docx

Servicios que Se Pueden Obtener sin una Remisin

A excepcin de los planes que se indican ms abajo, los servicios que no son de emergencia deben ser brindados por proveedores participantes para ser pagaderos y todos los servicios mdicos deben ser coordinados por un mdico de atencin primaria (por sus siglas en ingls, PCP) que sea proveedor participante de nuestra red. Esto significa que toda la atencin y suministros mdicos que obtiene deben ser proporcionados, autorizados y dispuestos por su PCP para estar cubiertos.

Esto no anula ninguno de los requisitos de autorizacin previa que podran corresponder a los tipos de servicios recibidos. Para obtener ms informacin sobre los servicios que requieren autorizacin, consulte la Evidencia de Cobertura o comunquese con el Centro de Comunicacin con el Cliente, al nmero que aparece en su tarjeta de identificacin.


El producto de Organizacin de Proveedores Preferidos (por sus siglas en ingls, PPO) de Health Net no requiere que el afiliado ni el proveedor tratante soliciten aprobacin para la remisin del afiliado a un proveedor dentro de la red o fuera de ella. Las remisiones de afiliados a proveedores fuera de la red quedan a criterio del afiliado y del proveedor tratante, ya que los afiliados tienen cobertura para visitar a proveedores fuera de la red. Si bien las remisiones a proveedores fuera de la red no requieren aprobacin, los gastos de desembolso del afiliado sern mayores cuando reciba servicios o suministros de proveedores fuera de la red.

Esto no anula ninguno de los requisitos de autorizacin previa que podran corresponder a los tipos de servicios recibidos. Para obtener ms informacin sobre los servicios que requieren autorizacin, consulte su Certificado de Seguro o comunquese con el Centro de Comunicacin con el Cliente, al nmero que aparece en su tarjeta de identificacin.

PureCare EPO

El producto PureCare de Organizacin de Proveedores Exclusivos (por sus siglas en ingls, EPO) de Health Net no requiere que el afiliado ni el proveedor tratante soliciten aprobacin para la remisin del afiliado a un proveedor dentro de la red. Los servicios recibidos de proveedores fuera de la red no estn cubiertos.

Esto no anula ninguno de los requisitos de autorizacin previa que podran corresponder a los tipos de servicios recibidos. Para obtener ms informacin sobre los servicios que requieren autorizacin, consulte su Certificado de Seguro o comunquese con el Centro de Comunicacin con el Cliente, al nmero que aparece en su tarjeta de identificacin.

Plazos Estndares para Obtener
Acceso a la Atencin

Tipo de Acceso


Citas no urgentes para atencin primaria; cita para atencin de rutina y regular (con el PCP).

Cita dentro de los 10 das hbiles posteriores a la solicitud.

Servicios de atencin de urgencia (del PCP) que no requieren autorizacin previa.

Perodo de espera que no supere las 48 horas posteriores a la solicitud.

Servicios de atencin de urgencia (de especialistas y otros proveedores) que requieren autorizacin previa.

Cita dentro de las 96 horas posteriores a la solicitud.

Citas no urgentes con un especialista.

Cita dentro de los 15 das hbiles posteriores a la solicitud.

Citas no urgentes con un proveedor de atencin de la salud mental distinto de un mdico.

Cita dentro de los 10 das hbiles posteriores a la solicitud.

Citas no urgentes para recibir servicios auxiliares para el diagnstico o tratamiento de una lesin, enfermedad u otra afeccin.

Cita dentro de los 15 das hbiles posteriores a la solicitud.


Nota: El perodo de espera correspondiente a una cita determinada puede extenderse si el proveedor de atencin de la salud con licencia que lo trata o remite (o el profesional de salud que brinda servicios de seleccin o clasificacin segn las prioridades de atencin, segn corresponda), actuando dentro del alcance de su actividad y de conformidad con los estndares profesionalmente reconocidos de la prctica, determina y escribe en el registro pertinente que un perodo de espera mayor no tendr un impacto perjudicial para la salud de la persona cubierta.

Adems, los servicios de atencin preventiva y de atencin de seguimiento peridica (que incluyen, entre otros, remisiones permanentes a especialistas para afecciones crnicas, visitas peridicas al consultorio para controlar y tratar un embarazo, afecciones cardacas o afecciones de salud mental, y controles de laboratorio y radiolgicos para la recurrencia de enfermedades) pueden programarse con anticipacin, de conformidad con los estndares profesionalmente reconocidos de la prctica, segn lo determine el proveedor de atencin de la salud con licencia que lo trata, actuando dentro del alcance de su actividad.


Language Assistance Contact Information Spanish ¿Cree haber encontrado un error en alguno de nuestros directorios de proveedores? Háganoslo saber para que podamos corregirlo.

  • Envíenos un correo electrónico a

  • Llámenos al número de teléfono que corresponda según su situación.

Customer Contact Centers Health Net Telephone numbers- Are you enrolled with Health Net for your health care coverage? Customer Contact Center Hours of Operation Applicants- Are you shopping for Health Net health care coverage? These numbers are for people that are not currently Health Net members Health Net Customer Contact Center Hours of Operation
California- coverage from your employer 1-800-522-0088 8am-6pm 1-877-609-8711 8am-6pm
California- coverage through the California marketplace 1-888-926-4988 8am-6pm California Marketplace website 24 hours
California Medi-Cal 1-800-675-6110 24 hours a day
Cal MediConnect- Los Angeles 1-855-464-3571 8am-8pm
Cal MediConnect- San Diego 1-855-464-3572 8am-8pm
Medicare Advantage 1-800-275-4737 February 15– September 30 Monday through Friday, 8am- 8pm

October 1– February 14 7 days a week, 8am-8pm
Arizona- coverage from your employer 1-800-289-2818 7am-6pm
Arizona- coverage through the Arizona marketplace 1-888-926-5057 7am-7pm
Oregon- coverage from your employer 1-888-802-7001 7:30am-5pm

Tiene derecho a obtener un acceso completo y equitativo a los servicios de atención de la salud cubiertos por su plan de salud. Lo mismo ocurre si tiene una discapacidad, conforme a las siguientes leyes:

  • Ley para los Estadounidenses con Discapacidades de 1990.

  • Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973.